Your home for spiritual growth, healing, clarity, and community - located in the heart of Tallahassee

Yoga • Meditation • Psychic Readings • Classes

tallahasee healingn center
Develop Your Intuition

Hi, it's Dale, founder of Tallahassee Spiritual Center. Explore our various services and resources, all about YOUR personal and spiritual growth.

Curious about us?: About Us »

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Or, want a psychic reading or have a question? Contact Me »

Our Services & Resources

Yoga Classes »

tallhassee yoga classes

Increase the mobility of your body. Prepare the physical body for deeper meditation and spiritual growth. Rather than approaching yoga as stretching and exercise, experience yoga as a path of personal and spiritual transformation:
Yoga »

Psychic Readings »

psychic development course

Using psychic ability from years of training and experience, Dale will help you get the understanding and direction you need. Whether it's with relationships, your career, or another life issue, a session will have lasting results. See all the details, including endorsements from police, celebrities, and people just like you. Learn more now:
Psychic Readings »

Community Events »

spiritual growth courses

Connect with like-minded people from the local area. Get support, and offer support to others on similar spiritual paths. Have fun with cool people! Learn more about our events held on Tennessee Street, Downtown Tallahassee:
Community Events »

Mindset Coaching »

spiritual online community

Going through a breakup, dealing with depression, or not able to feel how you want to? Have a block inside that's keeping you stuck? Dale guides you through a series of exercise aimed at helping your reclaim control over yourself, from the inside out:
Mindset Coaching »

Meditation/Classes »

spiritual growth courses

Learn and practice meditation techniques for developing your own psychic awareness, manifesting what you want in life, and radical spiritual growth. We also offer lighter meditation classes for reducing stress and gaining inner peace:
Meditation/Classes »

Calendar »

spiritual online community

See available date and times for yoga classes, psychic development classes, meditation classes. Also, check our calendar frequently for community events like psychic fairs, spiritual gatherings with live music, and more:
Calendar »

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