More About Dale

More about Dale Sellers, Founder of Tallahassee Spiritual Center

  • As a professional psychic & healer, provided thousands of psychic counseling sessions worldwide over the last 25 years. My phone is filled with celebrities, billionaires, doctors, cops, CEOs, and every other type of person you could imagine.

  • Worked with various law enforcement, such as Broward County Sheriffs Office Deputies (Fort Lauderdale) as a psychic consultant in cases involving serial killers, missing bodies, and other tough crimes.

  • In the media, have been interviewed by Psychic Detective for my accomplishments, ABC offered me a 10 month reality TV show, and I've been featured in other high-profile media events.

  • Taught hundreds of students advanced psychic development. I train students in-person and I currently have hundreds of active correspondent students worldwide - students frequently drive/fly in to see me.

  • Here's me teaching a Psychic Protection class recently at Stone Age, a metaphysical store in Tallahassee.

  • Received much of my initial metaphysical training from a former military intelligence project (US Air Force) that was designed to teach soldiers psychic perception and release trauma.

  • Currently teach law enforcement officers psychic perception, and have psychic development students in the Atlanta Police Department, Miami Dade Police Department, and FSU Police Department.

  • Was roommates and was trained by the late Linda Georgian, who's still one of the most famous psychics ever in the world. Linda created the famous Psychic Friend's Network, and her clients were US Presidents, government agencies, countless celebrities, and public figures. To this day, she is still holds the record for the most televised psychic on the planet.

  • Here's Linda giving live national psychic readings over the radio on the Howard Stern show.

I don't see myself as some 'enlightened master,' but I have walked further down this path than most people, and I've got some great training and lots of experience behind me. This puts me in a unique position where I have a lot to offer everyone.

What Others Are Saying

Develop Your Intuition

"Dale hit the nail on the head. He is precise and accurate. I had an unsolved case in a sealed envelope. Dale was able to pinpoint the crime and the suspects name. He has been correct with my personal readings."

Intuition Chat
linda georgian

"Dale, again and again, not only is a dynamic speaker, but an amazingly accurate psychic. He is talented and compassionate. It is evident through his demonstrations, both private and public, that his source of perception is the higher power."

Intuition Chat

psychic training classes

"I wanted to take this opportunity to thank you for the coaching session we recently had covering one of the key exercises taught in the training program. You got right 'to the point' early in the session to help me realize some of the areas I was not seeing."

"I have often wondered if there was truly a way to free people from pain and suffering. I have also often wondered if there was a legitimate personal growth program designed to teach people how to heal their bodies and empower the millions of people who suffer from chronic back pains, diseases such as Cancer etc... live a pain free life."

"Your program has opened my eyes to unique tools for seeing my personal and professional life through a different lens. Having this perspective has given me a direction to focus my health issues as well as ability to focus better as a business owner. There is much value in using the Life Mastery Program."

Julia Fortune, Chief Operating Officer
Copia Trading Company, California, USA
National Sales Representative Recruitment

Develop Your Intuition

'Dale is truly in a class by himself. Not only was he able to zero in on what was bothering me, he got to the core of my problems without my telling him anything beforehand."

"Dale was able to give me more advice and guidance in 35 minutes than a myriad of counselors had over many years!"

"With Dale's insight and wisdom, I am able to face my future with optimism, strength and hope."

Intuition Chat

"Before I became involved in the program, I truly thought I was happy. But this training opened up a new joy I never knew was possible."

"Amazingly, in a 6 month period, I used to spend as much on psychics as the whole price for the online program. Now when I must make a decision in my life, I can use my own psychic ability without having to rely on others."

"Using the techniques in this training, when I want something it usually falls into my life without a lot of struggle. This by far has to be the biggest benefit I've gained. Thank you for the wonderful opportunity."

Joyce Summers
Customer Service Manager
West Palm Beach, Florida, USA

"Working in a cubicle making phone calls all day was not exactly what I envisioned a Bachelor's degree could do for me. The training in this course helped me identify and cut through all the clutter in my life and cleared a path in the process."

"As a result I can not only visualize the outcome of future projects but describe in detail the steps I'll take to get there and what actions to avoid. Since I have a small business, this type of thing comes in handy."

"The exercises are clear cut and easy enough for anyone to do well with practice. With the addition of Dale's coaching, I was able to get results at a constant and deliberate pace."

Intuition Chat
Develop Your Intuition

"After speaking with Dale I was amazed at how accurate and psychic he was."

"He is a compassionate man and motivated individual. I look forward to applying the exercises he has suggested in order to better myself."

Intuition Chat
Intuition Chat

"I've known Dale for over 22 years and have done a great deal of personal work with him. I've used this training to spiritually manifest impossible feats in my life, even when my family and friends had no faith in my ability. It gives me the capacity to deal with life head on."

"I've made my dreams come true career wise and I'm looking forward to what the future has in store. I've acquired the ability to follow my psychic gut, which has saved me a lot of trial and error, misfortune, and has allowed me to achieve what I want. I really can't complain anymore about my life."

"My friends and family noticed the changes in me right away. Especially if you don't have what you want in life, if you aren't happy, I encourage you to take advantage of this powerful resource."

Intuition Chat

Develop Your Intuition

"When I first spoke with Dale, I was very skeptical and was very careful not to give him any information about why I was calling. To my surprise, without any conversation from me, he tuned into my problem and was quick to help me understand it."

"I was going through a divorce and I thought my future was uncertain. Dale was 100% accurate in his reading and everything worked out great because I followed his advice."

"The money and time that I spent was well worth it. I have used other famous clairvoyants (such as Sylvia Brown) and Dale was a lot better. Anytime that I have an issue about the future or present, I call Dale. He is the best clairvoyant that I have ever used. Way to go!!!!!"

Intuition Chat

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